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2017-18 Topic Slate Released; Voting Open Until September 11

The list of topics for the 2017-18 season is now available! The list includes the following topics:

  • Resolved: A democracy ought to require the separation of church and state.
  • Resolved: In the United States, non-human animals ought to have legally protected rights.
  • Resolved: In the United States, reporters ought to have the right to protect the identity of confidential sources.
  • Resolved: In the United States, workers ought to have a civil right to unionize.
  • Resolved: Plea bargaining ought to be abolished in the United States criminal justice system.
  • Resolved: Privileged individuals ought not appropriate the culture of a marginalized group.
  • Resolved: The non-therapeutic use of human enhancement technologies is immoral.
  • Resolved: The United States ought to provide a universal basic income.
  • Resolved: The United States’ use of targeted killing in foreign countries is unjust.
  • Resolved: Wealthy nations have an obligation to provide development assistance to other nations.

Current students and coaches can vote to select this year’s topics. Voting is open until September 11 on the National Speech and Debate Association website.

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