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TOC Live Updates

TOC Round 5 has just ended, and nearly 40 debaters have been eliminated from the tournament. Several teams have broken new positions, including: Many schools, including Brentwood, Greenhill, Harrison, Lexington, Lynbrook, Peninsula, and several others broke updated versions of their current affirmatives…

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Three Reasons to Attend SJDI

Considering debate camps this summer? Here are three reasons you should choose the San Jose Debate Intensive! Staff quality - SJDI has some of the best instructors in the country (check them out here). Our staff has won or coached winners…

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Why You Should Attend SJDI with Alex Zhao

Alex Zhao is one of this year's top debaters. He's made it to finals of Loyola and Harvard-Westlake and championed Blake, Emory, and the CPS Round Robin. Alex attended last year's Los Angeles Debate Intensive and will be teaching at the San Jose…

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A Defense of T – Any

By Jackson Lallas “T – Any” is probably the most important debate about what the aff can defend on the Jan/Feb topic. For context, the current resolution is “Resolved: Public colleges and universities in the United States ought not restrict…

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LADI Mid-Topic Evidence Packet Now Available!

Check out our mid-topic addendum, containing even more free evidence on the January-February topic! Over 70 students voted in our poll, choosing three positions to release answers to. The three positions they selected were answers to the Title IX DD,…

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SJDI Camp Open for Registration Now

Students have begun signing up for the San Jose Debate Intensive for the summer of 2017! SJDI runs from July 16 through August 5, and is hosted at San Jose State University. Learn more about our student-focused curriculum and our highly qualified…

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