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Get to Know LADI Instructor Alex Zhao

La Canada's Alex Zhao recently won the Blake Invitational, the second quarterfinals bid tournament he has won (in addition to Voices in 2015). Alex will be working at the San Jose Debate Intensive this summer. Hear what he has to say about…

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Introducing ProTips!

During tournaments, LADI will be posting quick tips debaters can make to quickly improve their debating. The ProTips will address various topics, including the current LD topic, how to improve your tech skills, interesting positions broken at tournaments, and more.…

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Announcing LADI Evidence Packets

During the two weeks of our summer programs, the Los Angeles Debate Intensive will be releasing files on the new September-October topic on nuclear power. The files are ones we will use to demonstrate various debate concepts and do drills…

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TOC 2016 Videos

Last weekend, at the TOC, some of the country's best debaters competed in high-stakes rounds for the championship. Watching quality rounds online is one of the best ways to improve your debate skills. See the five debates below!
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