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Lexington’s Jayden Bai and Strake Jesuit’s Karan Shah reach finals of The 2022 Yale University Invitational

Congratulations to Lexington’s Jayden bai and Strake Jesuit’s Karan Shah for making it to the finals of the 2022 Yale University Invitational. In semifinals, Karan defeated San Mateo’s Yesh Rao on a 2-1 decision (Maan, Li, Lenihan*), and Jayden defeated Harrison’s Jesse Pein  on a 2-1 decision (Council, Collicchio, and Forrest*). Congratulations to Karan on top speaker.

We’d like to congratulate our alumni for their success this past weekend. Jayden Bai (Finals), Enya Pinjani, Tanya Wei,  (Octos), and Aanya Ghosh (Doubles) reached elimination rounds.

Full results and pairings can be found here.

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