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Matthew Paul wins USC

Congratulations to Harvard Westlake’s Matthew Paul for championing the 2019 USC Tournament. In finals, Matthew defeated Crescenta Valley’s Asher Towner on a 2-1 decision (Kuffour, Rosenthal, *Allison).  Madeleine Conrad-Mogin won top speaker. Both Madeleine and Asher are TDI alums.

We’d also like to congratulate all other Debate Intensive alumni for their achievements this weekend. The top 3 speakers and 3 out of 4 debaters in semifinals were Debate Intensive alums. Asher Towner (Finals), Lena Mizrahi, Vincent Liu (Semis), Ben Cortez, Madeleine Conrad-Mogin (Octas), Felicity Park, and Ethan Elasky (Dubs) reached elimination rounds. Alumni Madeleine Conrad-Mogin (1), Lena Mizrahi (2), Asher Towner (3), and Vincent Liu (10) won top 10 speaker awards.

You can find full results and pairings here.

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